ROYALS/Regional Safe Schools Program (RSSP)
The Regional Safe School Program (RSSP) serves expulsion-eligible and suspension-eligible students in grades 6-12. Expelling or suspending disruptive students puts them on the street, which may increase safety and advance the learning environment inside the school premises, but does not serve the educational needs of the expelled or suspended students or the community's need for public safety.
The purpose of RSSP is:
- to increase safety and promote the learning environment in schools;
- to meet the particular educational needs of disruptive students more appropriately and individually in alternative educational environments;
- to remove severe behavior problems from the regular classrooms and;
- to provide instruction for the student during the expulsion period.
The Learning Sites have a set of guidelines, based upon best practices for alternative programs. Each student has an Alternative Education Plan (AEP) and positive outcomes include: reduction in disruptive behavior, regular attendance, coursework completion and credit received advancement in grade level, return to home school, grammar or high school graduation and where appropriate completing a program leading to taking the GED test and passing the GED. Computerized learning systems may supplement the primary academic instruction or may be used as the primary method of instruction. To participate in either of our programs students must be referred by the home district. They will remain a student of the district while attending the Learning Site, which is the serving school. T
The general handbook for all the Safe Schools can be found on our ROYALS homepage. Each Learning Site also has its own Appendix, with individual attendance, dress code, grades, and other policies, available for download.
ROYALS RSSP/Carthage Lead Teacher: Leslie Lovejoy |
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