John Meixner, Regional Superintendent of Schools
Fulton | Hancock | McDonough | Schuyler

ParenTEACH Institute Online Training Programs

Build Brighter Futures: ROE26 Promotes ParenTEACH

Since 1996, ParenTeach Institute’s curricula has provided innovative, research-based, and universal parenting and caregiver content that teaches child development, problem-solving skills, non-violent discipline, and positive parent-child communication.

ParenTeach Institute offers high school educators online training on how to deliver ParentABLE’s evidence-based and trauma-informed 6.5-hour Positive Parenting and Caregiving Curriculum that will help their students develop a foundational understanding of positive parenting and caregiving practices.

These flexible, self-paced online courses offer a series of engaging videos, handouts, and knowledge checks packed with practical tips and tools for positive parenting. Parenting Essentials equips caregivers with the skills to:

  • Foster social and emotional growth in children
  • Strengthen family connections
  • Prevent child abuse
  • Support school readiness and academic success

Download ParentABLE On Demand Flyer

Special Offer for High School Teachers
Through a partnership with the Illinois State Board of Education, high school teachers and the parents of students enrolled in ParentABLE can take ParentABLE On-Demand for free. Use the code isbe-parentable at checkout or use this link to enroll for free.

Parenting Essentials is a web-based self- guided course that delivers a series of eight positive parenting and caregiving videos, handouts & knowledge checks that provide useful tips and tools that parents/caregivers can put into practice immediately. Parenting Essentials promotes the social and emotional development of children, prevents child abuse, strengthens families and supports school readiness and achievement. 

Parenting Essentials Plus -Trains facilitators to lead groups as they review ParenTeach Institute’s seven positive parenting and caregiving videos that provide useful tips and tools parents and caregivers can put into practice immediately. Parenting Essentials Plus includes a parent workbook that offers detailed explanations, additional resources, and practice exercises for each positive parenting and caregiving competency. Interactive activities like role plays, group discussions, and experiential exercises ensure participants feel confident in applying these positive parenting strategies in real-life situations.

Participants convene in person or over Zoom to review each competency and share their experiences putting each competency into practice.

Powerful Testimonials

Learn how ParentABLE is making a difference in communities by watching two powerful testimonials. The first video below is from Dr. Bruce Perry, and the other from our very own Kate Mallory, Director of Social-Emotional Learning and Support at ROE26.


Interested in learning more about their programs or being added to their newsletter?  Submit your contact information on their Interest Form

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