Truants' Alternative and Optional Education Programs (TAOEP)
Section 2-3.66 of the School Code (105 ILCS 5/2-3.66) authorizes the State Board of Education to provide grants for the establishment of pilot Truants' Alternative and Optional Education Programs (TAOEP).
These programs serve students with attendance problems and/or dropouts up to and including those who are 21 years of age and provide truancy prevention and intervention services to students and their parents and/or serve as part-time options to regular school attendance. Programs, which primarily provide truancy prevention and intervention services, integrate resources of the school and community to meet the needs of the students and parents.
Optional education programs, on the other hand, serve as part-time or full-time options to regular school attendance and offer modified instructional programs or other services designed to prevent students options to regular school attendance and offer modified instructional programs or other services designed to prevent students from dropping out of school.
The primary goals of the program are to reduce student truancy and dropout rates.
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