The Carthage Kiwanis Club will sponsor the 6th Annual Back-to-School Event on Saturday, July 29, 2023, at the First Baptist Church Community Room, 601 Main Street, Carthage. The purpose of the event is to provide students with a backpack, school supplies, clothing, shoes, and a haircut voucher to help them be ready for the first day of school in August. The event is open to students in the Carthage, Dallas City, and LaHarpe Elementary School Districts, grades Pre-K to 8.
There will also be a meet & greet with first responders in an area adjacent to the church. A complimentary lunch will be offered by Kris Dornbush, agent, State Farm Insurance. WCAZ Radio will provide drinks. Students will be able to see emergency vehicles up close and learn about first responders’ services.
Registration form is due by June 30 to guarantee a pair of shoes and clothing. Return the form by June 17 to be entered into a drawing for a pair of earbuds. Registration forms can be picked up at Carthage, Dallas City, LaHarpe Elementary School Offices; Marine Bank & Trust; Memorial Hospital; Carthage Public Library; or Shepherd Food Pantry. The form can be mailed to Carthage Kiwanis Club, P.O. Box 94, Carthage, IL 62321 or dropped off at the schools, bank, or hospital. Walk-ins on the day of the event will be eligible for school supplies and a haircut voucher only. For questions and further information, contact Cheryl Underwood (309) 313-2714.