Professional Development Consortium

#307-25 Legislative Updates that Impact Families and Students Experiencing Homelessness

October 8

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Online via Zoom


TITLE:  Legislative Updates that Impact Families and Students Experiencing Homelessness

EVENT #:  307-25

DATE(S):  October 8, 2024

TIME(S):  1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

LOCATION(S):  Online via Zoom

PRESENTER(S):  Alyssa Phillips, esq. - Chicago Coalition for the Homeless

INTENDED AUDIENCE:  TAOEP, RSSP, Case Managers, Family Support Specialists, Truancy, ICEARY Members, McKinney-Vento Liaisons, and any Administrator or Educator



  • To empower school staff with information about new pieces of Illinois legislation that impact students and families experiencing homelessness.

About the presenter:

  • Alyssa Phillips is the Education Staff Attorney at the Law Project of the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless, where she provides direct representation of homeless students and families in educational matters, conducts trainings on the educational rights of homeless students, and advocates for rights and resources for homeless students and families. Ms. Phillips was hired at the Law Project in September 2019, following a two-year Equal Justice Works fellowship. She earned a law degree at the University of Notre Dame and a bachelor's in political science, summa cum laude, from Wheaton College.


QUESTIONS?  Please email [email protected] to contact Melinda, the Assistant Director of Professional Learning for the ROE 26 & ROE 33 Professional Development Consortium.


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