John Meixner, Regional Superintendent of Schools
Fulton | Hancock | McDonough | Schuyler

Regional Office Youth Alternative Learning Services

Safe Schools and Alternative Programs


The mission of ROYALS, Regional Office Youth Alternative Learning Services, is to guide students in achieving academic success and post-secondary success. ROYALS provide a safe environment in which high-quality education is delivered and high-quality learning takes place. Students understand that attending regularly, making quality academic progress and displaying positive behaviors are all part of school success. ROYALS staff serve as mentors in guiding students to make positive, meaningful choices that will impact their future in a favorable manner.


The vision of ROYALS is to assist students in achieving academic success and finding pathways to a successful future. ROYALS students will become productive members of the community.

Our Safe Schools and Alternative Programs are designed to meet the needs of individual learners. Safe School programs serve students who have been expelled or who have served multiple suspensions due to serious and/or repeated misconduct. Our Alternative programs are designed to serve students for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to credit recovery and chronic truancy. Our programs are offered throughout the Regional Office of Education #26 service area. Contact your home district regarding a referral to attend one our the learning sites.

Learning Sites


Remote Learning Plan

  • ROYALS Remote Learning Plan
    Note: Our Remote Learning Plan goes into effect if the site is closed and unable to serve students onsite.

Forms - School Use Only

The forms below are fillable PDFs. For best results, download each form to your computer and open in Adobe Acrobat Reader.  

Absenteeism and Truancy Policy


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

ROYALS wants you to remain safe. If you think you may harm yourself, contact the National Suicide Hotline: 

Phone: 1-800-273-8255

This site provides information using PDF, visit this link to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software.