John Meixner, Regional Superintendent of Schools
Fulton | Hancock | McDonough | Schuyler

About ROE26

#320-25 Unpacking Grief: Learning to Support Grieving Kids at School

January 16

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Online Via Zoom


TITLE:  Unpacking Grief: Learning to Support Grieving Kids at School

EVENT #:  320-25

DATE(S):  January 16, 2025

TIME(S):  2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

LOCATION(S):  Online Via Zoom

PRESENTER(S):  Mackenzie Liberta, MA, CCLS, GC-C

INTENDED AUDIENCE:  Teachers, Leadership, Admin, School Counselors, Social Workers, TAOEP, Alt. Ed. Staff, RSSP, ICEARY Members, etc.



  • This presentation offers a comprehensive exploration of grief, focusing on the nuances between children's and adults' experiences. Gain insights into effectively supporting grieving children and adolescents within educational environments, and discover valuable resources to aid in your supportive role.

Training Objectives:

1. Explore the concept of grief through historical and theoretical perspectives.

2. Understand how development influences children's comprehension and processing of loss.

3. Acquire practical resources and interventions to effectively support bereaved children and teens in academic settings.


QUESTIONS?  Please email [email protected] to contact Melinda, the Assistant Director of Professional Learning for the ROE 26 & ROE 33 Professional Development Consortium.


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